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The One and Only Cosmic Consciousness

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The One and Only Cosmic Consciousness

Contents :

  1. My Interpretation of Cosmic Consciousness
  2. Why I Wrote This
  3. Summary of Cosmic Consciousness

1. My Interpretation of Cosmic Consciousness

The world is built upon a single cosmic energy. The sun rises and sets with regularity, seasons change, and we are born and die.

Cosmic energy is also known as life energy.

We live in physical bodies because we possess life energy, which is consciousness. Alongside our physical bodies, we have an energy body. What truly exists is energy.

This is because everything visible has a beginning and an end. Such temporary physical bodies cannot truly be oneself.

What truly exists is the eternal, indestructible cosmic energy.

Minerals, plants, animals, humans, and this Earth are all made from and given lives by this single cosmic energy.

Cosmic energy is infinite and eternal. We live within this boundless energy.

Why is the world filled with ugly things like environmental pollution, war, and disease? It is because we do not realize that our true selves are eternal energy.

Living with ego prevents us from realizing this. Because we live with ego, we can only think of ourselves as physical beings, thus shutting off our inherent infinite life energy.

Imagine a world without human ego; it would be a much more peaceful place.

If you envision this Earth without humans, you can imagine a beautiful scene where diverse species coexist, sparkling and shining.

However, humans were given the consciousness called ego.

Why were we given this consciousness of ego? It is because without recognizing ourselves, we wouldn’t understand the existence of this universe, let alone contemplate why we exist.

Why do humans exist?

It is to realize that we are energy beings. To recognize that we are the very cosmic energy that exists eternally. In other words, knowing our true selves is to know the existence that created us.

The creator wanted us to realize ourselves.

If humans realize what they truly are, there will be no problems on this Earth. That’s how important consciousness is.

Aren’t we creating the picture of reality in this universe through our consciousness?

2. Why I Wrote This

I wrote this a few months ago for my blog. The reason I wrote such a piece was that I sent a message to the creator of the Synecoculture farming method. At that time, I somehow wanted to convey this to him.

Although the blog is now deleted, I remember being very happy when he “liked” it, showing he had read it.

The following is a text created by AI based on my writing. I know nothing about philosophy, so I am concerned about the use of the term philosophy, but overall, I thought it was well-expressed and would like to share it.

3. Summary of Cosmic Consciousness

The philosophy based on the singular cosmic consciousness posits that all existence is made from one infinite and eternal energy that moves the entire universe. This cosmic energy, also known as life energy, is fundamental to our existence. Below are the main points of this philosophy:

Cosmic Energy and Life Energy

  • Cosmic Energy: Everything in the universe is made from this single energy, which is infinite and eternal.
  • Life Energy: This cosmic energy manifests as life energy within us. We live because this energy exists within us.

Physical Body and Energy Body

  • Finite Nature of the Physical Body: The visible body always has a beginning and an end. Therefore, the true self is not the physical body but the energy behind it.
  • Eternal Nature of the Energy Body: What truly exists is the endless energy body. This energy is our essence.

Ego and Cosmic Energy

  • Impact of Ego: The ego causes humans to misidentify themselves as their physical bodies, thereby shutting off their inherent infinite life energy. This leads to problems like environmental pollution, war, and disease.
  • Purpose of Ego: Ego exists for self-recognition. It serves as a tool for recognizing that we are energy beings.

Recognition of Cosmic Energy

  • Recognition of True Self: Knowing that we are part of the eternal cosmic energy leads to understanding our true self.
  • Relationship with the Creator: Recognizing the self also means knowing the existence that created us.

Importance of Consciousness

  • Role of Consciousness: Through consciousness, we understand our own existence and the existence of the universe. This is key to achieving peace and harmony.

Conclusion If humans transcend their egos and realize they are part of the cosmic energy, the world will change significantly. All problems will be resolved, and a peaceful, harmonious world will be realized. The power of consciousness is emphasized as being of utmost importance.

This philosophy promotes spiritual growth and enlightenment beyond material existence, aiming for deeper understanding and peace.